AJP 69 | Mark McDonald
— People are stuck in irrational fear

Psychiatrist Mark McDonald has written the book “Freedom from Fear” to help people that have become addicted to fear. He believes that if our governments had kept their promise to close our countries for two weeks “to flatten the curve”, most people would have been able to get out of their state of fear. However, after over two years of fear messages, the psychiatrist believes that many people have become stuck in a state of irrational. He suggests a path to unlearn the fear habits. In this episode, he also offers a solution to how you can talk to bullies that wants to label – without accepting their labels and definition of the truth and of you.
› Mark’s Home page and newsletter:
• dissidentmd.com
• Dissident MD @ Substack
› Mark’s lawsuite:
• McDonald V. Lawson
› Mark’s books:
• United States of Fear
• Freedom from Fear
› Mark’s podcast:
• Informed Dissent
Download this episode
Recorded: 2022-11-10
Published: 2022-12-05
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